Dams and ReservoirsEmbankment damD FMake a pile of sand in a glass tank and then fill the area behind with water. Watch how the dam eventually fails. Now put an impermeable layer down the centre of the dam. Try a putting a gravel layer at the base on the downstream side of the dam.Dr W Taylor and N HuntGeology Teaching v8 no3Gravity versus arch dam DUse blocks of wood to show how an arch dam is much better at resisting the pressure of the water and why you need a gravity dam to be so massive. Put two blocks of wood representing a gravity dam together on a piece of sponge to show why even a small amount of subsidence will crack it.Locating a reservoir Pa P 10 minStudents are given geological maps of possible reservoir locations and have the say what are the disadvantages of the sites.Problems of siting a damPa I F 15 minStudents are given a geological cross section of the geology of the area of a proposed dam and must explain why each of the named aspects presents a problem.