Mike Tuke’s
Stratigraphic Laws
Younging direction cards
Make cards, A4 or A5, with diagrams of unconformities, strata with intrusions, strata with
fragments derived from the bed below etc. These are held up to the class at various
orientations and they must say where the youngest strata are.
Law of superposition
Students are shown a coffee jar with distinct layers of sediment and/or a photo of horizontal
strata and asked to imagine if it is possible for the top layer to form first. They are then shown
a photo of a large recumbent fold and a thrust fault and are asked in what circumstances does
the law not apply.
Layers of felt as sediment
A P 5 min
Students are given 4 pieces of felt 50cm by 10cm of different colours and lay these out
horizontally on top of each other pretending they are layers of conglomerate, sandstone, shale
etc. This is good for discussing original horizontality, superposition and that each bedding plane
represents the sediment surface at one time. Students then compress the felt to make folds
including overturned folds to show that in deformed strata the law of superposition does not
Law of original horizontality
Layers of felt are laid out one on top the other to show layers of sediment that have been spread
out by the waves into thin extensive sheets. Students are asked what type of deposits
accumulate on slopes of more than a few degrees (scree and reef talus slopes).
Cross section of England
Pa I F 2 min
Students work out the positions of the major unconformities and work out where the oldest and
youngest rocks are on an east-west cross section of England.
Ordering Geological events
Pa I F 15 min
Students are given a series of diagrams and they must put the following events in order:
deposition (naming beds), folding, tilting, erosion, intrusion, metamorphism.
Way up cards
A4 or A5 cards with diagrams of sedimentary structures that can be used to determine younging
direction are shown to the class as if the bed was in a vertical position. Students must decide
whether the bed is younging to the left or right.
Way up photos
A I 2 min per photo
Students examine a series of photos to determine the younging direction.
Photos of cross bedded building stone
A I 3 min per photo
Students examine photos of building stones which show cross bedding to determine if they have
been laid the right way up or up side down. (Whitby Abbey and Durham are good sources for
Way up samples
A I 3 min per sample
Samples of ripple marks, Mudcracks, grading and cross bedding are laid out and students must
determine if the samples are as they were deposited or up side down.
Cleavage as an indicator of overturned beds
D or P F 5 min
To show that if the cleavage has a shallower dip than the bedding and is in the same direction
then the beds are overturned. Provide students with a diagram of an upright anticline and
syncline with limbs dipping at 60o with vertical axial plain cleavage. Students turn the diagram
slightly so that the folds are asymmetric and note the angle of dip of the bedding and cleavage
where they are dipping in the same direction. Now turn the diagram further so that the folds
are overturned. Now note again the angle of dip of the bedding and of the cleavage on the
overturned limbs. This can also be shown using an OHP.
Making a fossil sequence
Pa I F 5 min
Students have sections from several rock faces with fossils represented by letters. They must
correlate the letters and thus build a fossil sequence.
Building a stratigraphic column from outcrop data. Pa P F 10 min
Students are given 9 A4 sheets. Each sheet has a diagram representing a cross section of an
area of the British Isles where two successive geological systems occur. Each sheet has
appropriate fossil diagrams. Students must match the fossils on the top of one page with those
on the bottom of another page and thus get the pages in stratigraphic order from Cambrian to
Rate of migration of new species
Pa I 5 min
Students work out the rate of spread of the slipper limpet along the coast of the British Isles to
show that the time taken to spread around the coasts is insignificant in terms of the time length
of a fossil zone. It was introduced in the Thames estuary in 1891 and had reached Dartmouth by
1947 a distance of 500km. Rabbits were introduced to Australia in Melbourne in 1859 and had
reached the west coast by 1964. A distance of 3200km.
Good zonal fossils
Pa I 20 min
Students are given a range of fossils and must work out from their knowledge of their mode of
life whether they will make good zonal fossils or not.
Age ranges of fossils
Pa I F 10 min
Students use data given on the sheet to work out the ages of strata containing several fossils.
Earth Science Activities and Demonstrations