List of Society Field Visits

published in the North West Geologist (Issues 1 to 21)

At present only a few editions of North West Geologist have been digitised. More will be added as they become available. Clicking on an underlined excursion will take you to the correct pdf of the North West Geologist.

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issue NoTitleSocietyAuthorDatePage Nos
1Ince Moss Landfill
LGSH Clark199074-79
1Yorkshire Mining
Museum at Caphouse
MGAW Kennet199080-82
2National Stone Centre
MGAG D Miller199189
2Stone in Macclesfield
and Building Stone Quarries
around Macclesfield
MGAF Broadhurst199190-93
3Clitheroe LimestoneMGAP del Strother199287-91
4Appleby-in-WestmorlandMGAE Skipsey199265-68
4Fluvioglacial Deposits
in the Wrexham Area
MGAH Davies199369-72
4Chunal, near GlossopMGAP Seldon199373-75
4South CumbriaMGATony Adams199376-78
4Ecton Hill MineMGA/
G Cox et al.199379-82
5Marple AreaMGAH Johnson199346-53
5Caer Caradoc
Church Stretton
MGAS Beale199454-58
J Nudds199459-61
5Skiddaw GraniteMGAN Rothwell199462-66
5Sefton CoastMGAS Gonzalez199467-69
M Howells199553-55
6SwaledaleMGAS Bassham199556-59
6White Peak, DerbyshireMGAC Burek199560-69
7Boulby Potash MineLGGAP Edey199661-63
7Vale of ChippingLGGAM Gosling199664-66
8Hurstwood, nr BurnleyLGGAI A Williamson 199975-77
9No reported excursions
10Bowland FellsLGGAI A Williamson199961-65
10SchielhallionMGAR Pattrick et al.199966-70
11Tunisian GeologyMGAD Brumhead200229-38
13Jurassic Rocks of the
Yorkshire Coast
MGAD Hanley
J Spencer
13The Causeway CoastLGST Metcalfe200644-52
14Jurassic of RutlandMGAP del Strother
et al.
15The Parallel Roads of
LGST Metcalfe200840-47
15The Shap AreaMGAJ Michael et al.200848-54
16Lake District and
Morecombe Bay
MGAF Owen et al.200931-49
16British Gypsum Birkshead
Mine at Long Martin
nr, Penrith
LGST Metcalfe200950-53
17The Ardnamurchan
LGSWJ Iley201133-42
17The Fred Broadhurst
Memorial visit to
MGAJ Michael &
S Plumb
18Trip to PembrokeshireMGAJ Michael201135-45
18Trip to Wenlock Edge and
The Ercall
LGST Metcalfe201146-54
20Almeria, SpainLGSH Clark et al.201632-44

Key to Geological Groups

LGSThe Liverpool Geological Society
MGAThe Manchester Geological Association
LGGAThe Lancashire Group of the Geological Association
(now known as GeoLancashire)
NEGSNorth East Geological Society
OUGSOpen University Geological Society
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