£15 for full members
£5 for student members (full time students).
For people joining between 1st January and 30th June a reduced subscription is offered.
Want to find out more about this Earth on which we live? Are you stunned by scenery, fascinated by fiery volcanoes, shocked by earthquakes, worried by climate change or confused about where to find fossils?
If you would like to learn more in a friendly informal atmosphere then the LIVERPOOL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY welcomes you.

We offer a varied programme of illustrated talks, occasional practical sessions, and field trips. Guest speakers include local experts and internationally recognised scientists.
•Visitors and new members welcome at all meetings
•Suitable for all levels of knowledge
•Free copy of North West Geologist
•Access to maps and guides
•Modest membership subscriptions
•Lecture meetings usually on selected Tuesday evenings from October to April
•Lecture meetings held in the Central Teaching Hub, University of Liverpool, L69 7BX
Practical Sessions
Learn how to identify minerals, fossils and rocks and to spot features on geological maps
Field Trips
•Usually at selected weekends March – September
•Nearby day trips
•Residential visits to more distant parts of the British Isles
•North West Geologist issued free.
•Discount rates available to members for a more advanced Geological Journal.
What’s on
•Details of all meetings sent to members as a circular or emails
•Membership Card shows year’s programme (Oct – Sept)

Send the form to the Society’s Treasurer or bring it to a meeting.
Mr Gary T. Billington,
Honorary Treasurer
Liverpool Geological Society
4 Lewisham Road
Liverpool L11 1EF