1st Oct Presidential address by
Philip Firth- How geology has influenced the rise of civilisations in South America: observations in Peru and Bolivia.
LGS members in the Quadrangle, University of Liverpool, on the “Rock around Campus” field excursion on 5th Oct. 2019. A set of pamphlets written by Maggie Williams (second from right) and Hazel Clark (fourth from left) to accompany this excursion can be obtained from:
8th October 2019: Lecture by Dr. Matthew Roberts-
Icelandic Met. Office
Recent volcanic unrest at Oraefajokull: monitoring insights and hazard assessments. Matthew joined the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) in 2001 and, 17 years later, is still working for IMO, having been involved in the monitoring of four volcanic eruptions and numerous hazardous floods. He is presently responsible for hydrological and glaciological research at IMO, leading a group of 14 scientists. The unrest at Öræfajökull has been a major research focus for Matthew and his group and so he has plenty of interesting material for his presentation. The volcano site is at:
22nd Oct. 2019
Lecture by Dr Peter Falkingham (Senior Lecturer in Vertebrate Biology, LJMU)
Motion in the fossil record: Using computer simulation and X-ray video to understand dinosaur track formation.
19th Nov Joint meeting of LGS and Herdman Geological Societies – at 7.30pm in the Herdman Building, 4 Brownlow St, University of Liverpool, L69 3GP.
Lecture by Prof Jim Marshall (University of Liverpool)
Title: Liverpool: Geology, History, Water – and Beer!
This talk will review how geological processes have shaped the landscape and historical development of Liverpool. Triassic sedimentary rocks cut by later north-south trending faults define the underlying landscape. They provided building stone and the sites suitable for the development of cathedrals, universities and football stadia. This bedrock housed the water resources used by local industry including the brewery trade. Quaternary erosion by glaciers and glacial outwash streams with subsequent deposition of softer sediments give us the Mersey and the ‘Liver Pool’, and the foundation of a global city. Geological investigations have proved crucial in the construction of tunnels and major building projects and continue today.
26th Nov.
Lecture by Prof Andy Biggin (University of Liverpool)
Title: Palaeomagnetic insights into the deep Earth and its evolution
In this lecture, Andy talked about the work of the DEEP (Determining Earth Evolution from Palaeomagnetism) group of 12 researchers at the University of Liverpool and about their recent findings.
10th Dec.
Practical Session with Jim Marshall and Maggie Williams (University of Liverpool) .
Title: Portland and Purbeck Limestones.
7th Jan. 2020 Members’ evening. Jim Marshall on Local geology and landscapes, Stephen Hurrell on Paleogravity, Chris Hunt on Gondwanaland in KwaZulu-Natal and Philip Firth on Looking for super volcanoes in Snowdonia.
4th Feb.Dr. Steve Barrett, University of Liverpool. – Image analysis in Earth Science.
The handout from the talk is available here:
This was an excellent talk, so if you missed it you can catch it again here:
Tuesday 18thFebruary 2020
Distinguished Visitor’s Address by Dr John Nudds (University of Manchester) at 7.30 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 137 of Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, L3 3AF.
Title: Archaeopteryx and the dinosaur – bird transition