Rock around Liverpool (actually William Brown Street).
Rock around campus
These are fully accessible trails around the University of Liverpool campus. The aim is to introduce the rocks and man-made materials used in the buildings and paving around the campus. There are seven different self-led trails to choose from. Each trail map includes a map, photographs and a glossary of terms. Allow an hour to complete each trail. You may need to get close to the buildings so that you can see the fine details.
Rock around campus 1
This trail centres on the The Quadrangle, University of Liverpool.
Rock around campus 2
This trail looks at the materials used in buildings and paths along Ashton Street, University of Liverpool.
Rock around campus 3
This trail centres on Dover Street, University of Liverpool
Rock around campus 4
This trail covers the rocks used near the Central Teaching Hub on the University of Liverpool campus.
Rock around campus 5
This trail guides you around University Square at the University of Liverpool.
Rock around campus 6
This trail on the campus area near the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King and on the Metropolitan Cathedral site.
Rock around campus 7
This trail guides you along Mount Pleasant, University of Liverpool.
Rock around Port Sunlight
This trail follows a route around Port Sunlight village that introduces the rocks and Earth materials used in the buildings and paved areas in this model industrial village founded in 1888 by William Hesketh Lever (later Lord Leverhulme).